Application Step 1 of 3: WATCH

Informational Modules

Introduction to Info Modules
Module 1: Gospel Centered
Teaching students a gospel-centered worldview is of utmost importance at Charis. Charis means “grace” in the Greek language; named to give a continual reminder of what we desire to be at the center of the school. We want the gospel to permeate all we do. It will flow throughout every aspect and give Charis the foundation for who we are as a school as our faculty and staff live our their passion to teach and encourage students to pursue their God-given purpose.
Module 2: Classical Education
Classical Education is a centuries old methodology committed to cultivating wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness and beauty.

The aim of Classical Education is to equip students with the “tools” of learning, teaching them how to think and be life-long learners using the seven liberal arts.

The Seven Liberal Arts Trivium means “Three Roads”. They are developmental stages & an approach to each subject Grammar/Knowledge (K-5th) Logic/Understanding (6-8th) Rhetoric/Wisdom (9-12th) Quadrivium (astronomy, geometry, music, arithmetic)

Components of Classical Education The classically educated student enters into the “great conversation” by studying classical literature, art, music, and history using rich idea-focused resources that embody truth, goodness, beauty.

The study of science, literature, history, and art are integrated as much as possible and taught in repeating cycles deepening understanding as the emphasis changes with stages of the Trivium. Classical languages, such as Latin, creates an understanding of the Western Civilization, expands vocabulary, and gives students a deep foundation of language formation and the ability to learn new languages. More importantly, the study of latin gives a valuable tool of learning as it encourages organized thinking and critical study skills.
Module 3: Collaborative Learning
Our 3rd distinctive element, collaborative learning, gives us our structure as a school. Our collaborative model values parents as the primary influence and gives families the gift of time. It is a partnership with parents giving benefits of both school and home components to education.

The school chooses curriculum according to our four distinctive elements and classroom teachers direct the curriculum and write lesson plans for both the central and satellite classroom days.

During the grammar years, students meet in our central classrooms M/W and 1/2 day Fridays in the grammar years then will meet three full days on M/W/F for the logic and rhetoric years. On T/Th, students are in the home or “satellite” classroom with a parent/co-teacher carrying out lesson plans as detailed by the classroom teacher.

The beauty of this model is the ability to provide excellence in academics, valuable resources and skills of multiple teachers, while also emphasizing character development and students growing in taking responsibility for learning. There is immense educational enrichment through this partnership.
Module 4: Joyful Discovery
Joyful Discovery is the heart of what we do in education. This component further clarifies the tone of classical education at Charis and gives us our pathway for developing lifelong learners focusing on the whole child rather than just the intellect. Using Charlotte Mason philosophies we incorporate practices that foster the joy of learning:

- Living Books
- Hands-on learning
- Connect classroom with real-life experience
- Service Opportunities

Next Steps: 

Pray about whether CCA is right for your family
Step 2: schedule a tour